
The term hypertension is used when blood pressure readings are above the healthy range for a few weeks or more.  Blood pressure readings include two numbers:

  • The larger number is called the systolic pressure. This measures how hard the heart is pumping blood around the body. It goes up when the heart is pumping harder or faster than normal.

  • The smaller number is the diastolic pressure. This measures the pressure in the blood vessels between heart pumps. It is affected by resistance in the blood vessels. It increases when the blood vessels constrict or become narrower due to fatty deposits.

A healthy blood pressure is 120/80.

If blood pressure readings are consistently 140 over 90, or higher, this puts extra strain on the heart and blood vessels. This increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke. High blood pressure is also linked to kidney problems.

High blood pressure usually has no signs or symptoms. The only way to detect it is to have your blood pressure measured. Many different things can affect your blood pressure through the day, so a single high reading does not necessarily mean you have high blood pressure. A few readings are needed to see if your blood pressure stays high over a period of time.

There is no single cause for high blood pressure, instead there are many different factors that can contribute. These include genetics, age, poor diet, smoking, drinking alcohol, being overweight and stress.

Research shows diet and lifestyle changes are very effective in lowering high blood pressure.

Instead of treating symptoms, my approach to high blood pressure addresses the actual causes to improve your health.

A full protocol will include:

  • Analysis of your metabolic health and delivery of your Metabolic Balance® plan,  a personalised nutrition programme based on your blood test results to achieve your ideal body weight and reduce your cardiovascular risk factors.

  • Assessment and correction of nutrient imbalances that contribute to high blood pressure.