Nutritional Tests

During your consultations, I may advise specific nutrition tests, such as thyroid tests or a comprehensive digestive health screen, so I can gain a greater understanding of your health and identify any underlying factors involved in the issues that you have. I may also recommend nutritional supplements to support you. The results of your nutrition tests will give us the scientific statistical information to ascertain the causes of your imbalances.

Nutrition test kits

I will order the test kits from my trusted laboratory colleagues on your behalf.  Please note –

  • The test kits will be delivered to you by post directly from the laboratory

  • Please follow the instructions included with the test kits, you can do the tests either yourself or at home, or at your doctor, depending on which nutrition tests I have advised

  • Please complete and sign the forms included in the test kits, pay by credit or debit card as indicated, and post the test kits back to the laboratories as per the instructions

  • Once the laboratory has concluded the tests, I will receive the results and discuss them in detail at your follow-up consultation

Nutrition Tests

The nutrition tests I recommend, if required, are listed below -

  1. Adrenal Stress Profile

  2. Food Allergy and/or Food Intolerance Tests

  3. Chronic Fatigue Screen

  4. Comprehensive Digestive Health Screen

  5. Comprehensive Thyroid Screen

  6. Genetic Testing

  7. Female Hormone Profile

  8. Male Hormone Profile

  9. Vitamin, Mineral and Essential Fat Profile

  10. Toxic Metals Profile

  11. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

Genetic Testing

Genetic testing assesses the presence of genetic variations that can affect metabolic functions that are important for maintaining a state of health. Lifestyle and nutrition can influence the expression of genes and nutrigenomic is the science studying the relationship between human genome, nutrition and health.

Genetic testing can be useful to understand the predisposition of an individual to certain health conditions and metabolism alterations, providing useful information on how to positively influence health through nutrition, lifestyle and supplemental recommendations. Genetic testing is the ultimate tool for a personalised intervention, allowing us to fully understand the body’s blueprint and function.